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I will exalt you my God, the King, I will praise your name forever and ever. Every day I will praise you and exalt your name forever and ever. Psalm 145:1-2

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Chronicles of Amazing Mema #20

I think on this particular Sunday afternoon, October 23, 1994, Mom was still giving a lot of thought to something she had heard at church that morning. She taught a Bible class for many years and studied the Bible daily most of her adult life. Growing up in a long spiritual family tradition, what she learned all those years gave her a massive background of knowledge. Here is what she wrote -

"Help me and all the family learn from God's holy word. Sin was brought into the world that was a perfect place until Adam and Eve transgressed God's law. But, God loved mankind so much that he gave his only begotten Son to pay a price we don't deserve. The love of God is the greatest thing on earth. We can be a born again Christian and have our sins forgiven through Christ's death for his church.
Help us to TRUST like Noah, have FAITH like Abraham and Sarah, not fall into temptation but be like Joseph and overcome it, weep like Jeremiah for the lost in our world, SING praises to God like David, LOVE the Lord's church like Paul and the other Apostles.
Help the whole world see Jesus in our live. A great and marvelous task but always with overwhelming opportunities in Christ's church. God's love is everywhere. What a blessing.
Help us to have the courage of David, the patience of Job and learn from Solomon the importance of life that God has given us and not live in vanity. Help us love like Ruth, be genuine in our personality and character and love the church because Jesus died in sacrifice for us. Help us offer our bodies a living sacrifice to hold up Jesus' cross to the whole world. THANK YOU LORD! Mema Hazel & Family"

WOW! The only thing I can add to all of that is a hearty AMEN! & HALLELUJAH!

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