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I will exalt you my God, the King, I will praise your name forever and ever. Every day I will praise you and exalt your name forever and ever. Psalm 145:1-2

Sunday, January 1, 2012

"Hope For A New Year"

As I have watched some of the videos this morning of people around the world 'ringing in the New Year' I have been impressed with the optimism most have expressed for a better 2012. For sure, 2011 has brought much to want to leave behind and optimism for the future is always much better than the pessimism of 'same old - same old'. And, as usual on New Year's day, there is no shortage of expert advice about improving one's quality of life by quitting smoking, losing weight, more exercise etc, etc.

I am an expert on NOTHING and definitely not qualified to offer any kind of medical or psychological advice about any of it. However, I do have a few suggestions that I have learned from the greatest of all soul doctors, the Holy Spirit of God our Father. All of us should have the good sense to improve the quality of our physical and mental health through whatever healthy habits are appropriate, but one key to doing so may begin with our spiritual life. If this sounds a bit too "preachy" for your taste, please just consider the source.

Most Christians I have known have some favorite Bible verses or passages that comfort, motivate and encourage them. Me too. One of my favorite chapters has been Romans 12. For me, this great chapter is an eloquent summary of what my Father wants to see in my life. I periodically turn to it and just sit quietly and read it, several times.

From Romans 12 I've learned:
  • That true worship doesn't just happen in a church assembly. Its something I do every day, everywhere
  • That God wants to and will give me a new mind, a completely new way of being with him and seeing the world he has put me in for his own purpose
  • That humility is the essence of being a disciple of Jesus. Although humility isn't my natural context, I've learned the true power of living humbly before God, trusting him always to do his thing in my life
  • That through his Spirit, God has given all of us some specific "gifts" that he expects us to use in his kingdom and his world
  • That the basic, simple things are what we all must work hard at perfecting in our practice of faith:
    1. Love that is genuine
    2. Always choose the good
    3. Love and honor my brothers and sisters
    4. Seek to serve not be served
    5. The absolute of HOPE
    6. Devotion to prayer
    7. Be a giver - a helper to others
    8. Seek oneness with others of like faith
    9. Seek peace with all people whenever possible
    10. Allow space for God to work out whatever he pleases
    11. Treat all enemies with grace
    12. Use good to overcome evil

    Paul's extensive list of what I call "transformative traits" follows his confession back at chapter 7 of the great challenge every true believer must face up to daily. Whining and complaining are the exact antithesis of the changes God will produce in my life, if I allow him that level of control. It all happens through Jesus Christ, as Paul states at the end of Romans 7. But, its always about ATTITUDE. If I can get my attitude lined up with God's intention for me, this journey to a new place of joy, hope, peace, self confidence and love becomes much clearer.

    In my younger years I was way too motivated by pride. I still have pride in myself and in my family, but God has taught me the right place to level it off. Right is always right and wrong is always wrong and like Paul, I too, fall short of always doing what I know is right, but Jesus helps me to not lose sight of him.

    So, here is my bottom line for all of my family and friends for 2012:

    "May the God of HOPE, fill you with all JOY and PEACE as you TRUST in him, so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit"! Romans 15:13 NIV  HALLELUJAH!!

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