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I will exalt you my God, the King, I will praise your name forever and ever. Every day I will praise you and exalt your name forever and ever. Psalm 145:1-2

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Chronicles of Amazing Mema #7

In virtually every journal Mom wrote she included many random bits about married life and how it can be a happy experience. I consider her a true expert because she and my Dad made it through 54+ years, they raised three children to adulthood and influenced many young couples by their example of love and commitment.

On a Saturday morning April 29, 1995 she wrote this prescription for "Happiness & Lifetime Marriage" -
1) Trust, (2) Honesty & Integrity, (3) Strong Commitment, (4) Shared Values & Interests, (5) Mutual Respect, (6) Face Up To Responsibility, (7) Solve Problems Together, (8) Be Happy, (9) Communicate, (10) Be Flexible, (11) Learn to Compromise
These traits between husband and wife draw people together like bees to honey! But, they may take a lifetime to learn."

On June 27, 1992 she wrote about "Time Well Spent" -
"We cannot harness time. The minutes and the days pass surely and swiftly by, like sand in an hourglass. Yet, unlike sand in an hourglass, we cannot invert the flow of time and begin anew. We cannot turn back time and "do it over", but we can use our time wisely by learning from all of our experiences and "do it better" next time. I've learned that the only true failure is the one from which we do not learn and grow. Time with God in worship is always time well spent. It makes for wholesome living and loving."

On June 6, 1990 she wrote this about "Grandparents Are Special" -
"Grandparents represent an especially unique combination of qualities. They possess insight and patience born of many years of trial and error in child rearing. That experience is a great teacher.
Grandparents have learned the importance of a sense of humor. They can laugh and put life in a wiser perspective. They know how to guide their grandchildren gently and lovingly through the turmoil of youth.
Grandparents represent tradition and stability in an unstable world. They are living proof that the challenges of life can be conquered after all!
Grandparents represent love and warmth. They give us so much to help us gain new strength with every difficulty. Obstacles thrown in life's pathway may make us falter and sometimes fail, but steady hands keep us on the right path."

On May 23, 1990 she wrote about their marriage -
"We have loved each other thru all the times in our life together. Our family know that we have tried to do by them the best we knew how. In our early years were some tough times just to make a living, but our home has always been together and happy. We learned by experience and have NO REGRETS! We made some bad decisions but always strived for good and we feel our life through all these years have not been in vain. Our beautiful children are our legacy, handed down through many generations and our hope and prayer is for them to know God and be dedicated to Christ and his church."

Then she added this note to the above in 1996 -
"There are more blessings than we could ever count in our life together. I miss Harold's hugs, his singing, ironing his shirts and making his favorite food."

Coming home to Kentucky to visit was something we always looked forward to because we knew there would not be a dull moment. The TV was rarely turned on because we had so much to share and laugh about. Michelle, Michael and Felicia loved being with Mema and Frosty because every day was a new adventure. I am very thankful to have had a family that kept us all centered on what is truly important. They modeled it and taught it consistently to all of us. Now, Amazing Mema is still doing it. Hallelujah!

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