"Mortals make elaborate plans but God has the last word." Proverbs 16:1 MSG
When I read this it brought to mind that early Friday morning when the Jewish High Priest and his band of "yes-men" dragged Jesus to the palace of the governor. They had spent all night brow-beating and threatening Jesus and finally unanimously voted that he must die. I seriously doubt Pilate was happy to receive this bunch of pompous hypocrites who demanded that he pass the death sentence on Jesus. Pilate was suspicious of their intent and attempted to question Jesus privately. Puzzled by Jesus' steadfast refusal to directly answer his questions, Pilate said, "Don't you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?"
I kinda feel sorry for the guy because he knew he was being "played" and tried to free Jesus, but there was nothing else he could do when they accused Jesus of competing with Caesar. So, Pilate had an agenda, the Jewish priests had an agenda and both seemed to have achieved their own plans when Pilate handed Jesus over to be crucified.
Jesus' response to Pilate is to me the greatest statement of faith in the Bible. He told him, "You have no power over me at all unless it has been given to you by my Father". That statement is exactly what Solomon said at Proverbs 16:1.
There is nothing wrong in making plans. Doing so is a wise thing to do as long as we recognize that ultimately "God has the last word."
James taught this principle to his brothers and sisters in the earliest days of the church. His words still ring true today - "...if the Lord wills, we will live and do this and that." James 4:15
The Psalmist sang - "Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him." Ps 115:3
In fact, every Bible writer makes the very same affirmation in one way or another.
Making my plans can achieve goals that I never would have if I just drifted along day-to-day with no direction or purpose. But just like Pilate and the Jewish leaders who demanded Jesus' death, my plans are always small potatoes when viewed in the ultimate context - God always has the last word. He will do whatever he wills regardless of political rulers, spiritual tyrants, circumstances or popular opinion.
I take great comfort in that knowledge - all of us should.
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