The balance between pride and humility is a hit & miss experience for all of the human family. We take great pride in being proud and kinda feel sorry for people who cannot or will not stand up for themselves. If you're like me you were taught from early childhood that "you can do/become anything you want", which isn't ALL bad but can turn into the quest to win at any cost.
Solomon wrote - "Before his downfall a man's heart is proud, but humility comes before honor." Proverbs 18:12 NIV
He had previously written - "An unfriendly man pursues selfish ends; he defies all sound judgment. A fool finds no pleasure in understanding, but delights in airing his own opinions." 18:1 NIV
I especially like the way The Message states it - "Fools care nothing for thoughtful discourse, all they do is run off at the mouth."
My family, my friends and my Father all know how I have failed often in the tricky art of "humility". Many preachers and church leaders I have known failed at humility just like me. In fact, most people who have acquired the skill of humility are seldom seen as gifted in those areas of leadership.
For me, being in front of people was a powerful "drug" of sorts because I was so absolutely captivating they all hung on my every word. I've certainly done my share of running off at the mouth. A few brave souls, including my wife who loves me anyhow, tried to get my attention, but my pride always won out because I always knew I was right and they were wrong. After all the proof of the puddin' is in the eatin' and I always had enough cheerleaders to bolster my pride.
Satan is the master flatterer. He always knows exactly just the words to bring to the heart that is dominated by pride of self. I have met church leaders who informed me that they were the only people in that church qualified to lead it. I have known preachers who were constantly in a running campaign to "outdo" all the other churches in their local area just to prove to themselves that they really are as great as they think.
One of the greatest preachers I have known was the kind of man who would spend an hour in a deserted church, walking back and forth and up and down between empty pews praying loudly for the people who would be sitting in each seat in an hour.
Please don't misread me. I have known a huge multitude of truly committed, deeply spiritual preachers and other church leaders whose selfless devotion to serving others is a strong force for good. But, they too had to fight their way through the pride that comes with the territory. Many get there, some never do.
I can't say yet that I am more humble than prideful. My prayers are much different than at any time in my life because my heart seeks the humility that Jesus took with him to the cross. But, I'm probably not there yet. Maybe I never will be but I am learning from Jesus to trust my Father without conditions.
I guess Solomon kinda summed it all up for me in this way - "Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights." Proverbs 18:15 MSG
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