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Happy To Welcome You To The Hallelujah Chorus

I will exalt you my God, the King, I will praise your name forever and ever. Every day I will praise you and exalt your name forever and ever. Psalm 145:1-2

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Security - The Elusive Goal

The words "elusive" and "security" appear to be an oxymoron when used in the same sentence. Yet, for all of us, security is an always elusive goal we all seek. We do get there at times and feel secure until that new storm comes rolling through and our sense of security evaporates again. Its a roller coaster ride for sure.
Today, I feel more secure than at any time in my life. Well, at least I did until our national politicians began tinkering around with Medicare and Social Security, but that's my point here. Any sense of "security" can never be tied directly to any form of government because politicians who make policies and laws can change literally ANYTHING they please if they can get enough backing from their peers. But, that's how democracy works. Its mostly a messy process that somehow has worked very well so far despite the bickering and backroom bargaining.
In spite of it all I can honestly say that I feel a greater sense of "security" today than in my younger years. It has nothing to do with who sits in the White House or on the Congressional floor. They will probably always say and do things that can cause a feeling of insecurity in the those of us who aren't privy to the discussions and don't get to vote in the legislative process. No, my sense of security is the result of two crucial elements:
1) I no longer have the same challenges that I faced when I was a younger husband and father of three and worked hard to provide them with a reasonably comfortable and safe life. For those of you still in that place, hang tough it works out!
2) My knowledge of God's love has grown significantly beyond those younger years and has produced a deeper faith than I have known before.
David stated this same faith - "I know the Lord will surely help those who are persecuted; he will maintain the rights of the poor. Surely the godly are praising your name for they will live in your presence." PSALM 140:12-13 NLT
The NIV says, "the upright will live before you."
The MSG says, "that good people are secure in your presence."
When you look at the context of Psalm 140 in its entirety, you get the full picture of what David was facing even as he wrote those words. Life, of course, is always tenuous, everyone's life. But the "upright" are the "godly" who have heard God's words and have given him absolute permission to teach them how to live "securely".
I believe it's always true that ANYTHING can happen to ANYONE, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE. But, that isn't all the truth. ANYONE can also make the choice in any circumstance to trust the love of God to guide them to a better outcome than seems imminent. Its a carefully cultivated lifestyle that far supersedes any power that men have.
If you need to feel the secure love of God, find a quiet place, turn off your cell phone, open your Bible to ROMANS 8 and read it slowly for six consecutive days. Then write me how it turned out. God's love is FOREVER. HALLELUJAH!

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